Indonesian Polymer Journal
ISSN 1410-7864
Accreditation Number: 698/Akred/P2MI-LIPI/07/2015
Indonesian Polymer Journal (Majalah Polimer Indonesia/MPI) is peer-reviewed journal in Polymer research. It publishes original research in all areas of polymer science and technology including synthesis and polymer reaction, polymer process and composite, polymer characterization, functional polymer and development, and polymer for energy and environment.
MPI is published and imprinted by Indonesian Polymer Association (HPI).
Frequency: every six months, 2 times per year
Since 1998, MPI published in Indonesian language. Starting from 2016, MPI will be published in English.
Cordially, we invite authors to submit their articles in MPI.
Dr. Veinardi Suendo (Institute Technology of Bandung, Indonesia)
Dr. Rike Yudianti (Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)
Dr. Mochamad Chalid (University of Indonesia, Indonesia)
Prof. Jun-ichi Azuma (Osaka University, Japan)
Prof. Dr. Myrtha Karina (Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)
Dr. Edy Giri Rachman Putra (National Nuclear Energy Agency, Indonesia)
Dr. Hermawan Judawisastra (Institute Technology of Bandung, Indonesia)
Dr. Sudirman, M.Sc. APU. (National Nuclear Energy Agency, Indonesia)
Indriyati, M.Eng. (Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)
Wiji Lestari Khasannah, S.Pd., M.Si. (Institute Technology of Bandung, Indonesia)
Dr. Eng. Agus Haryono (Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)
Prof. Mitsutoshi Jikei (Akita University, Japan)
Dr. Sarifah Fauziah Syed Draman (University Teknologi Mara, Malaysia)
Prof. Hiroshi Uyama (Osaka University, Japan)
Dr. Sunit Hendrana (Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)
Prof. I. Made Arcana (Institute Technology of Bandung, Indonesia)
Dr. Darmawan Darwis (National Neuclear Energy Agency, Indonesia)
Dr. Emil Budianto (University of Indonesia, Indonesia)
Dr. Sudaryanto (National Nuclear Energy Agency, Indonesia)
Dr. Chandra Liza (Agency for The Assessment and Application of Technology, Indonesia)
Dr. Siti Nurul Aisyiyah Jenie (Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)
Ir. Wiwik Pujiastuti, M.Sc. (Kementerian Perindustrian, Indonesia)
Dr. Tita Puspitasari (National Neuclear Energy Agency, Indonesia)
Dr. Nunung Nuryanthi (National Neuclear Energy Agency, Indonesia)
Dr. Haryanto (Univ. Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia)
Dr. Dwinna Rahmi (Kementerian Perindustrian, Indonesia)
Author Guidelines
The scope of the manuscript published in the Indonesian Polymer Journal is the result of research and development in the field of polymers, with the discussion covering: synthesis and reaction of polymers, polymer alloys, polymer composites, polymer modification, polymer physics, polymer processing and development of polymer products.
The manuscript should be written in Bahasa Indonesia or English, typed on A4 size paper using the Windows Microsoft Word software, with the line spacing “Exactly at 12 pt” and the Calibri (Body) font type. The manuscript should be written in the form of two columns with margin size 1.78 cm and 3.1 cm, respectively, for the top and bottom margins, and 1.5 cm for each left and right margins. The first part of the manuscript must include the following sections (respectively): the title of the manuscript (14.5 pt, bold) no more than 30 words, accompanied by the author’s name (10 pt), the author’s affiliation and the address of the author that is easily contacted (7 pt, italic). Also put a telephone number, fax or e-mail. Abstract (8 pt) should be written in Bahasa Indonesia and English, including background, research method, results, and conclusions. The abstract should be written concisely and clearly and does not exceed 200 words. Abstracts should not be written in more than one paragraph. Keywords contain at least 5 keywords. The structure of the manuscript consists of an Introduction, Experimental Method (covering materials and work methods), Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Conflict of Interest, Acknowledgments, and Reference, which are all written in 9 pt font size.
The reference that is referred to at least having 80% of the publication five years before the year the article was submitted. The reference should be written following the chronology of the discussion. Footnote is written using roman numerals and written superscript after a period like the following example:
“Cras condimentum urna sed velit pretium porta. Nam volutpat sodales molestie. Etiam pulvinar tortor condimentum eros volut-pat congue.1”
Whereas the Reference is written in the following format:
1 N.R. Brostowitz, R.A. Weiss and K.A. Cavicchi, Facile Fabrication of a Shape Memory Polymer by
Swelling Cross-Linked Natural Rubber with Stearic Acid, ACS Macro Lett., 2014, 3(4), 374–377.
2 S. Samaržija-Jovanović, V. Jovanović, G. Marković and M. Marinović-Cincović, The Effect of Different
Types of Carbon Blacks on the Rheological and Thermal Properties of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber,
J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 2009, 98(1), 275–283.
The figure description should be written at the bottom of the figure or graphic with numbering following the discussion flow. The title of the figure should be written in bold, parallel to the text without indenting. Each figure is given as clear and informative information as possible. If requested, the original image will be returned to the author within a month. If within the period specified by the author does not want the image, the editor has the right to destroy the picture. The table description is written at the top of the table with numbering in accordance with the discussion flow. The title of the table is written in bold, parallel to the text without indenting. Each table should be as clear and informative as possible.
The chemical equations and mathematical equations should be written without indenting and numbered with Arabic numerals, following the flow of discussion.
Please submit the manuscript to the Editorial of Indonesian Polymer Journal via e-mail mpi@hpi-polimer.org. The editorial board has the right to reject an article that is considered ineligible, after hearing the opinions from several experts. The editorial board has the right to change and adjust the language and terms without changing the content, without notifying the author in advance. If content changes are considered necessary, they will be consulted with the author. Manuscripts published in the Indonesian Polymer Journal are the rights of the Indonesian Polymer Association (HPI), and the reprint must be licensed by the Editorial Board.
MPI Vol. 18, No. 1, Juni 2015

Karakterisasi Polisakarida Galaktomanan Kolang Kaling (Arenga pinnata)
Terikat Silang Fosfat
Juliati Br. Tarigan dan Djendakita Purba …………………………………………………………… 1
Pengaruh Perlakuan Panas terhadap Kabel PVC
Melya Dyanasari Sebayang, Samuel Gideon, dan Jhon Leonard Panjaitan ……………….. 9
Pengaruh Variasi Waktu Alkalisasi dan Konsentrasi Asam terhadap Karakteristik
Microcrystalline Cellulose (MCC) Bambu Apus (Gigantochloa apus)
R. Reza Rizkiansyah, M. L. Sunoto, Mardiyati, dan Steven …………………………………. 14
Ekstraksi Serat Kulit Jagung sebagai Bahan Baku Benang Tekstil
Fathimah Azzahro, Mardiyati, Steven, dan R. Reza Riskiansyah………………………………. 21
Pengolahan Abu Boiler Kelapa Sawit Menjadi Nano Partikel sebagai Bahan Pengisi
Termoplastik HDPE
Eva Marlina Ginting, Basuki Wirjosentono, Nurdin Bukit, dan Harry Agusnar ………….. 26
Pengaruh Berat Molekul Kitosan terhadap Sifat Fisis Kertas Daur Ulang
Natalia Suseno, Karsono S. Padmawijaya, Andree S., dan Nathanael K. …………………. 33
MPI Vol. 18, No. 2, Desember 2015
Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Membran Kitosan-Kolagen-Hidroksi Apatit
Erizal, Basril Abbas, R. Setyo A. K., dan Novita Chairni ………………………………………………….. 43-53
Sintesis Super Water Absorbent (SWA) Pati Singkong co Akrilat dengan Teknik
Radiasi sebagai Bahan Soil Conditioner
Tita Puspitasari, Dewi Sekar Pangerteni, dan Darmawan Darwis ……………………………………… 54-66
Sifat Mekanis Biokomposit yang Berbahan Dasar Mikrokristalin Selulosa Serat
Mardiyati, Steven, Raden Reza Rizkiansyah, dan Arif Basuki …………………………………………… 67-75
Sifat Mekanis dan Morfologi Komposit Termoplastik Low Density Polyethylene
(LDPE) dengan Bahan Pengisi Zeolit yang Dimodifikasi
Eva Marlina Ginting, Nurdin Bukit, dan Sri Juliani ………………………………………………………….. 76-88
Karakterisasi Resin Epoksi Termodifikasi Poliuretan berbasis 1,4-Butandiol
Monooleat dari Asam Oleat Minyak Sawit
Evi Triwulandari, Muhammad Ghozali, dan Agus Haryono ………………………………………………. 89-99
Karakterisasi dan Pemanfaatan Lignin dari Limbah Kraft Black Liquor
Mardiyati, Steven, dan Alfi Fajar Fazada ……………………………………………………………………. 100-110
MPI Vol. 19, No. 1, Juni 2016

Daftar Isi, Kata Pengantar, Kumpulan Abstrak
Synthesis of DOTA-TOC Conjugate as a Precursor of 177Lu-DOTA-TOC Radiopharmaceutical
for Therapy and Diagnosis of Somatostatin Receptor Positive Cancer
Rien Ritawidya, Sutari, Sri Setiyowati, Mochamad Subur, Yunilda Alwi, Veronika Yulianti Susilo, Titis
Sekar Humani, and Martalena Ramli ………………………………………………………………………………. 1-14
Emulsion Stability with PLA as Co-Surfactant
Yenny Meliana and Melati Septiyanti …………………………………………………………………………….. 15-22
Sintesis dan Pencirian Nanopartikel Fe3O4 dalam Hidrogel Kitosan
Agrin Febrian Pradana, Wildan Zakiah Lubis, Grace Tj. Sulungbudi, Ari Handajani, Mujamilah, dan
Budi Arifin ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23-39
Pengaruh Perendaman Membran Komposit Hidroksiapatit-Kitosan-Poli(Vinil Alkohol) dalam
Larutan Simulated Body Fluid (SBF) terhadap Karakteristiknya
Yessy Warastuti dan Darmawan Darwis ………………………………………………………………………….. 40-53
The Effect of Plasticization on Properties of Polymer Electrolyte PVDF Incorporated with LiPF6
Evi Yulianti, Achmad Salafuddin, Sudaryanto, Mashadi, and Deswita ………………………………………. 54-67
An Effort on Homogenizing Size Distribution of Magnetic Nanosphere (MN)
Fe3O4-Poly-Lactic Acids (PLA) for Hyperthermia Treatment
Grace Tj. Sulungbudi and Mujamilah ……………………………………………………………………………… 68-83
MPI Vol. 19, No. 2, Desember 2016

A Comparison of Physical Properties of Nafion and Lapindo-Nafion-SiO2 Composite Membrane as Electrolyte for High Temperature Fuel Cell
Lies A. Wisojodharmo, Windi Susmayanti, Agus P. Nuryadi, dan Dewi K. Arti …………………………….. 87-96
Stabilitas Emulsi Surfaktan Non-Ionik Turunan Minyak Sawit (Poli (Etilen Glikol) Dioleat dan Isopropil Oleat)
Yenny Meliana, Rahmawati Putri, Muhammad Ghozali, Yan Irawan, Evi Triwulandari, Sri Fahmiati,
dan Melati Septiyanti ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 97-106
Pembuatan Nanopartikel Magnetik Terlapir Kitosan untuk Aplikasi Biomedis
Grace Tj. Sulungbudi, Aloma Karo Karo, Wildan Zakiah Lubis, Mujamilah, dan Sudirman ……….. 107-116
Sintesis Bioplastik Berbasis Pati Limbah Tapioka Menggunakan Filler Nano Serat Limbah Tapioka dan ZnO
Haryanto dan Andriani Eka Saputri …………………………………………………………………………….. 117-128
Pembuatan dan Karakterisasi Membran Biokomposit Serat Sisik Ikan Kakap Putih (Lates calcalifer) Dipadatkan Hidroksi Apatit dengan Teknik Radiasi Gamma untuk Biomaterial
Fajar Lukitowati, Dian Pribadi Perkasa, Erizal, Widyawati, dan Sudirman …………………………….. 129-143
MPI Vol. 20, No. 1, Juni 2017
Rheologi Nanokomposit Polipropilen/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube/Organoclay
Bambang Afrinaldi, Chandra Liza, dan Syah Johan Ali Nasiri ………………………………………… 1-8
Hidrogel Film Polyethylene Oxide (PEO)-Polypropylene Glycol Dimetacrylate
(PPGDMA) untuk Aplikasi Pembalut Luka
Haryanto dan Anissa Nur Aini …………………………………………………………………………….. 9-17
Pengaruh Berat Molekul Kitosan terhadap Kelarutan Karboksimetil Kitosan
Natalia Suseno, Karsono S. Padmawijaya, Je Welly Wirana, dan
Michael Julio ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 18-27
Pengaruh Jenis dan Konsentrasi Adsorben terhadap Sifat Fisis Tablet Ekstrak
Etanol Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea Batatas L) yang Dibuat dengan Metode
Kempa Langsung
C.I.S. Arisanti, I.G.N.J.A. Prasetia, dan I.M.A.G. Wirasuta …………………………………………. 28-37
Pembuatan Membran Selulosa Asetat untuk Aplikasi Pemekatan Jus Buah
Sri Handayani, Yuli Amalia Husnil, Aspiyanto, Puput Latifa, dan Eva Fitriyani ……………….. 38-49
MPI Vol. 20, No. 2, Desember 2017

Optimasi Proses Isolasi Glukomanan dari Amorphophalus konjac
Emma Savitri dan Farid Sri Lingganingrum …………………………………………………………………. 53-64
Analisis Termal dan Gugus Fungsi Mikrofibril Selulosa (MFC) dari Limbah Batang Sorghum
Aprilinda Sofiana, Leonardo Chandra, Ismojo, dan Aniek Sri Handayani …………………………….. 65-72
Pembuatan dan Karakterisasi Serbuk Komposit Biohidroksiapatit-Kitosan untuk Biomaterial
Yessy Warastuti dan Fajar Lukitowati ………………………………………………………………………… 73-87
Studi Kompatibilitas Biopolimer Berbasis Pati Kulit Singkong dan Polyethylene dengan
Agen Compatibilizer Maleic Anhydrite
Elvi Kustiyah, Reni Masrida, dan Rani Agustina ……………………………………………………………. 88-97
Pengaruh Komposisi Filler Karbon Black-Silika terhadap Sifat Fisis dan Mekanis Kompon Ban
Riastuti Fidyaningsih, Dewi Kusuma Arti, Diah Ayu Fitriani, Ade Sholeh Hidayat, dan
Novita Amie Lestari …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 98-107
MPI Vol. 21, No. 1, Juni 2018

Peranan Serat Alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica) sebagai Penguat Kertas Daur Ulang
Fahriya Puspita Sari, M. Ghozali, Ratih Damayanti, W. Fatriasari, dan Euis Hermiati ……………………. 1-19
Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Hidrogel Superabsorben Kopoli(Kalium Akrilat)-g-Poli(Vinil Alkohol)
Erizal, Fajar Lukitowati, Dhena Ria Barleany, Zuhelmi Aziz, dan Sudirman ……………………………….. 20-35
Peningkatan Sifat Mekanis Polipropilena/Karet Alam Siklik dengan Penambahan
Polipropilena-g-Asam Metakrilat
I Putu Mahendra, Basuki Wirjosentono, Tamrin, dan Hanafi Ismail ………………………………………… 36-48
Karakterisasi Edible Film Bioselulosa Mengandung Minyak Jeruk Bergamot, dan Aplikasinya
pada Enting-Enting Gepuk
Sylviana, Warson El Kiyat, Indriyati, dan Yoice Srikandace …………………………………………………… 49-68
Pengaruh Rasio Paraffinic Oil terhadap Aromatic Oil terhadap Sifat Mekanis Kompon Karet Alam
Dita Adi Saputra, Dewi Kusuma Arti, Riastuti Fidyaningsih, Mahendra Anggaravidya,
Lies A. Wisojodharmo, dan Diah Ayu Fitriani …………………………………………………………………….. 69-80
Indeks Kata Kunci dan Indeks Pengarang
MPI Vol. 21, No. 2, December 2018

Studi Ab Initio Interaksi Molekul Poliblend Kitosan–Poli Asam Akrilat sebagai Bahan
Penghantar Ion
La Ode Ahmad Nur Ramadhan, La Agusu, Laode Abdul Kadir …………………………………………………. 83-85
Pengaruh Hidrolisis dengan Asam Klorida terhadap Karakteristik Polimer Selulosa Mikrokristal
dari Alga Hijau (Cladophora sp.)
I G. N. Jemmy Anton Prasetia, Shelia Deviana, Trisna Damayanti, Angga Cahyadi, I M. Agus Gelgel
Wirasuta ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 86-89
Produksi Gula Pereduksi dari Degradasi Pati Singkong melalui Proses Sonikasi disertai
Febriyati Puspasari, Yoga Asmara, Bramantyo Airlangga, Prida Novarita Trisanti, Sumarno ……………. 90-93
A Review on Current Developments and Prospects in Biomass–Based Bioplastics
H. Kurnia Adi, A. Matteo, H. Al Hijri, M. Chalid ………………………………………………………………….. 94-99
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Kantong Belanja Berbahan Plastik Daur Ulang, Goodie Bag dan
A. Z. Abidin, M. Nathania, D. A. Trirahayu …………………………………………………………………….. 100-106
Keyword and Author Index …………………………………………………………………………………….. 107-108
MPI Vol. 22, No. 1, June 2019

Gel Komposit Starch-Graft-Acrylic Acid/Bentonite (St-g-AA/B): Sintesis, Karakterisasi dan
Kapasitas Penyerapan
Trias Ayu Laksanawati, Prida Novarita Trisanti, Sumarno …………………………………………………………. 1-4
Pengaruh Iradiasi Gamma terhadap Perubahan Gugus Fungsi, Daya Serap Air dan Sterilitas
Scaffold Kitosan/Kolagen
Fajar Lukitowati, Rimma Patricia, Noor Anis Kundari ………………………………………………………………. 5-9
Pembuatan Hidrogel Berbahan Dasar Polietilena Glikol-Kitosan menggunakan Iradiasi Berkas
Farah Nurlidar, Arif Rachmanto, Darmawan Darwis …………………………………………………………….. 10-13
Hydrophilic Domain Contribution on the Proton Transport Pro-perties of Sulfonated Polysulfone
Based Blend Membranes
Bambang Piluharto, Yuyus Jayusman, Veinardi Suendo, Sadijah Achmad, Cynthia Linaya Radiman ….. 14-18
Modifikasi Hidrogel dengan Penambahan Madu: Karakteristik Sifat Fisika-Kimia Hidrogel
Haryanto, Karnofa, Angga Yuli Setiyawan …………………………………………………………………………. 19-23
MPI Vol. 22, No. 2, December 2019

The Effect of Different Types of Carbon Black on Thermal Characteristics of Shape Memory
Natural Rubber Vulcanizate
Noor Maryam Setyadewi, Hesty Eka Mayasari, Efa Radnawati …………………………………………………… 1-3
The Role of Partially Hydrolyzed Polyvinyl Alcohol to the Enhancement of the Electrical
Conductivity of Conductive Polymer
Mas Ayu Elita Hafizah, Nayaka Wicaksana, Suparno, Andreas, Azwar Manaf …………………………………. 4-9
Effect of Solvents in the Performance of Cellulose Acetate/Poly(1,4-butylene succinate)
Membrane Prepared by Using Phase Inversion Method
Siti Nurkhamidah,Retno Dwi Nyamiati, Arnesya Ramadhani, Bertiningrum Cintya Devi, Bagus Arief
Febriansyah, Yeni Rahmawati, Ali Altway …………………………………………………………………………. 10-15
Modified of Cellulose Acetate/Polyethylene Glycol Membrane by the Addition of Graphene Oxide
Siti Nurkhamidah, Arnesya Ramadhani, Bertiningrum Cintya Devi, Bagus Arief Febriansyah, Retno Dwi
Nyamiati, Yeni Rahmawati …………………………………………………………………………………………… 16-20
Degradasi Lignin dan Selulosa dari Jerami Padi dengan Proses Ozonasi
Emma Savitri, Edy Purwanto ………………………………………………………………………………………… 21-25